Oh, the banality.

I miss my housemates! They made me feel more interesting by association, what with their dance shows and their trips to SXSW and their freebie-press-passes to Golden Plains.

If I had flatmates today I would have told them the following banal observations:

1. These days whenever I drink water instead of wine people assume I'm pregnant. For the record, I'm not. Moreover, I am not a big drinker at the best of times so you'll probably never spot it when I *am* pregnant! Ha ha!!

2. The new housing commission flats on Brunswick st are less ugly than any of the new apartments that are being built in Fitzroy.

3. Shit ICU doctors say: "She didn't want to live any more so we gave her some amitriptyline." and "She kicked me so I paralysed her."

4. Autumn is awesome.

5. Gorski and Jones (the restaurant) sneakily fill Aesop handwash containers with non-Aesop purple, artificial-smelling handwash.

6. I think it would be great if 'home theatres' were actual theatre stages with curtains etc, so that the residents could put on a show.

7. I baked a lemon syrup cake with lemons from Pen's tree.

At observation no. 7, I would have offered said housemate a piece of cake in return for listening. They would probably deserve it.


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