Men writing women writing men
Natasha was telling me that she wants to read more books by women. I think the phrase she used was, "I am sick of reading men's stories." I've never given this much thought before. I think that there are two different issues here. First, female writers, and the support and recognition (or lack thereof) they receive for their writing. See: the Miles Franklin prize, the Pulitzer etc. Second, the issue of men's stories vs women's stories. This is a very interesting one. I like to read stories that open up other perspectives. So I like men's stories sometimes. I realise in hindsight that we were prescribed a lot of 'women's stories' in my high school literature classes: Pride and Prejudice, A Doll's House, Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary. But there were men's stories too: The Grapes of Wrath, Hamlet and A Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich. And of course, this is a false dichotomy. The Grapes of Wrath tells women's and men...