Men writing women writing men

Natasha was telling me that she wants to read more books by women. I think the phrase she used was, "I am sick of reading men's stories." I've never given this much thought before.

I think that there are two different issues here.  First, female writers, and the support and recognition (or lack thereof) they receive for their writing.  See: the Miles Franklin prize, the Pulitzer etc.

Second, the issue of men's stories vs women's stories.  This is a very interesting one.  I like to read stories that open up other perspectives. So I like men's stories sometimes.

I realise in hindsight that we were prescribed a lot of 'women's stories' in my high school literature classes: Pride and Prejudice, A Doll's House, Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary.  But there were men's stories too: The Grapes of Wrath, Hamlet and A Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.

And of course, this is a false dichotomy.  The Grapes of Wrath tells women's and men's stories.

So can men write women's stories?  Can women write men's stories?  I think that some men write women, and women's stories, very well.  The contemporary examples that spring to mind are Jonathan Franzen's 'Freedom' and Geoffrey Eugenedis' 'The Marriage Plot'.  I found Emma Bovary more convincing than Anna Karenina.

Other men confine themselves to men's stories.  These are the 'boy books': a phrase I used to dismiss a lot of (probably outstanding) literature which is not to my taste.  See: Cormac McCarthy.

An audit of the books I have read this year reveals that of the 23 books read, 13 are by women:  

The Forrests- Emily Perkins
Melbourne- Sophie Cunningham
The Stranger's Child- Alan Hollinghurst
All that I am- Anna Funder
My Brilliant Career- Miles Franklin
Death in Venice, Jeff in Varanasi- Geoff Dyer
[sic] -Joshua Cody
the Observations- Jane Harris
The Bridge- Jane Higgins
Berlin Syndrome- Melanie Joosten
Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
Room- Emma Donoghue
The Sense of an Ending- Julian Barnes
Queen of the Night- Leanne Hall
Everybody Dies- Ken Tanaka
Skippy Dies- Paul Murray
The Young Doctor's Notebook- Mikhail Bulgakov
The Twyborn Affair- Patrick White
How I Became a Famous Novelist- Steve Healy
Mad About the Boy- Maggie Alderson
Club Dead- Charlaine Harris
Living Dead in Dallas- Charlaine Harris
The Convalescent- Jessica Anthony

Of the list, my favourites are: 

The Convalescent- Jessica Anthony
Skippy Dies- Paul Murray
The Twyborn Affair- Patrick White
Room- Emma Donoghue
The Forrests- Emily Perkins
Everybody Dies- Ken Tanaka

 So, I think I'm doing okay.  


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