Mazes, stomping and apples.
Red Hill mini-holiday! Following Oprah Winfrey, my favourite things for the season are: 1. mazes 2. stomping 3. apples First stop was the Ashcombe maze, a hedge maze over 3 metres high. I liked it in the maze and decided I should live there, where no one would bother me. Eventually Jason coaxed me out. The next day we did a long walk from Red Hill to Merricks, on the old Red Hill railway trail. It was a beautiful day, plenty of dappled sunshine and soft pine needles underfoot. I did some good stomping on dry leaves. We saw some bulls, plenty of cows and horses, and rolling hills. Each time a pair of riders approached us on the trail, I would say to Jason, "They must be bringing us an important message!" But the only message was, 'Chilly out, isn't it?' Chilly out indeed. At Merricks we ate lunch at their general store. For a general store it is extremely fancy. In fact, this was a recurring theme - every time we tried...