
Showing posts from June, 2013

Mazes, stomping and apples.

Red Hill mini-holiday!  Following Oprah Winfrey, my favourite things for the season are: 1. mazes 2. stomping 3. apples First stop was the Ashcombe maze, a hedge maze over 3 metres high.  I liked it in the maze and decided I should live there, where no one would bother me.  Eventually Jason coaxed me out.  The next day we did a long walk from Red Hill to Merricks, on the old Red Hill railway trail.  It was a beautiful day, plenty of dappled sunshine and soft pine needles underfoot. I did some good stomping on  dry leaves. We saw some bulls, plenty of cows and horses, and rolling hills.  Each time a pair of riders approached us on the trail, I would say to Jason, "They must be bringing us an important message!" But the only message was, 'Chilly out, isn't it?'  Chilly out indeed. At Merricks we ate lunch at their general store.  For a general store it is extremely fancy.  In fact, this was a recurring theme - every time we tried...

Pillars of my (in)sanity

My specialty fellowship exam is but 6 weeks away.  I am the first to admit that my mental state is precarious at best.  Here are the pillars of my sanity: 1. Reading non-medical books I am currently reading 'May We Be Forgiven' by A. M. Homes.  It is so funny and heart-wrenching that Jason threatened to confiscate it last night because the bed was shaking from my silent laughter. 2. Eating lunch at Cibi Meg always gives me a friendly smile.  Exiting the house forces me to change out of my study uniform/pyjamas. I eat vegetables! 3. Ignoring well-meaning advice A direct quote from an ACEM examiner: "If you want to pass this exam, you must only study.  You may walk outside occasionally." 4.  Telling Jason that I love him I do this when I am feeling anxious.  Jason feels very well-loved at the moment. 5. Planning holidays, exercising and cleaning. 5. Staring out the window

the documentary project

My New Year's resolution for 2013 is to watch one documentary per month for the year.** Here is my year so far in documentaries: January: Searching for the Sugarman Oscar prize winner, watched at Nova in 35 degree heat with no air-con.  But still amazing. My favourite scene is the interview with Rodriguez's labourer-workmate, describing his disbelief that Rodriguez is an internationally famous musician.  "They put your face on a milk carton?!?' February: If you're feeling sinister.   A Belle and Sebastian documentary.  Watched in bed, on my phone, whilst failing to sleep at 5am after nightshifts.  I fell asleep to happy West End Glasgow dreams. March: West of Memphis Bleak, but beautifully shot by Peter Jackson.  Covers the conviction and eventual release of the 'West Memphis Three'- three teenagers charged with killing and mutilating three young boys.  Falls squarely in the genre I like to call, "Those Crazy Americans." April:  Gr...