Pillars of my (in)sanity

My specialty fellowship exam is but 6 weeks away.  I am the first to admit that my mental state is precarious at best.  Here are the pillars of my sanity:

1. Reading non-medical books
I am currently reading 'May We Be Forgiven' by A. M. Homes.  It is so funny and heart-wrenching that Jason threatened to confiscate it last night because the bed was shaking from my silent laughter.

2. Eating lunch at Cibi
Meg always gives me a friendly smile.  Exiting the house forces me to change out of my study uniform/pyjamas. I eat vegetables!

3. Ignoring well-meaning advice
A direct quote from an ACEM examiner: "If you want to pass this exam, you must only study.  You may walk outside occasionally."

4.  Telling Jason that I love him
I do this when I am feeling anxious.  Jason feels very well-loved at the moment.

5. Planning holidays, exercising and cleaning.

5. Staring out the window


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