I am having a nice time

Jason and I went to Golden Plains for the weekend.  We did our own thing, our own quiet thing I suppose. Arrived at 5pm and found a lovely spot in the blue gums.  Put up our tent.  I love putting up our tent.  It's an old three-man tent, which is very easy to put up and roomy but cosy inside.

Then packed our cold bag with some beers and ciders and wandered down to the stage, running into Gen and her friends on the way.  By 7pm the sun was streaming golden through the amphitheatre.  We went on the Meredith Eye (ferris wheel) to look out over the plains.  Yep, them plains be golden.

The highlight of the first evening was Charles Bradley and his extraordinaries.  (I thought they were extraordinaires, but he kept say 'extraordinaries', so I'm running with it).  The Extraordinaries were extraordinary.  Such a tight band.

After Flyong Lotus we retired to bed.  Happily, I'd bought some earplugs and I slept like a very happy dead woman, waking up 8 hours later.

Sunday was just an awesome, beautiful day.  There was a man with a sign saying, "I am having a nice time" and I should have taken a photo with him.  For I, too, was having a nice time.

We saw the first couple of acts and then heard Michael Leunig give the keynote address.  He spoke about 'sleeping on country', a topic close to my own heart.  He spoke of the Finke desert and central Australia and stars and meteorites.  He told us to be careful that the world didn't pack us down too tight, to have quiet time and let the art come.

We met our friends Sarah and Dom while Hiatus Kayote were playing. Then Jason and I went off the property and off -programme, hiking down the steep ridge to the river.  It was a hot day and the water was glorious. We floated, watching the water sparkle in the sun and the birds hop around on the bank.

I was super-happy by the time we made it back to the 'Sup.  I bought a Zooper Dooper  (they cut the top off for me like in primary school) and danced to Los Coronas.

Then time for a kip in the afternoon heat.   I read 'A Girl is a Half-formed Thing' while Jason slept.

The evening: Osaka Monaurail, our old housemate Alex DJ-ing, Public Enemy and Cut Copy.  Public Enemy missed the mark a bit.  They are definitely just funding their retirements now.  They announced:  "Get your smart phones out and go to public enemy dot com slash free, to get your free gift."  Pause. "I don't see many phones out."  Pause "Ya'll got wifi here??"

There's no wifi here, Chuck D.  This be Golden Plains.


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